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COLORADO  |  Block #9

Snow sculpture sketch for team Colorado

Snow sculptors of Team Colorado


Team Name:  The Enchanted Forest

Sculpture Title:  Symbiosis

Artist Statement:    Co-existence is the key to survival

Team Members:

  • David Mitchell (Captain) - From a young age I have been drawing, carving, and making things. I have made my living from art since 1985. I began snow sculpting due to an add in the Rocky Mt. News inviting folks to attend an event in Watertown, NY. I called Gene Kempher and took a team there and have been sculpting snow ever since. His fondest memory of Lake Geneva's Winterfest is the year that the teams were led in a unanimous OMMMMMM by the late Klause Ebling.

  • Paul Casey - Paul is a life-long photographer making pictures for the sake of art and historical documentation. He retired from three decades of employment as an IT systems administrator. He is a family man married with four children and five grandchildren. He lives currently in Indianapolis, IN. His fondest memory of Lake Geneva's Winterfest is being a member of the 1996 Team Colorado when they created "Le Miraclede Neigh" that unfortunately collapsed a half hour before judging. He also competed in the 1998 team that won 3rd place for their "Perpetual" sculpture.

  • Dave Hammer - He is a long-time employee of Coors Brewery in Golden Colorado, a grand father, and owner of a tree removal service. His fondest memory of Lake Geneva's Winterfest is working on the "Serpentine Time Piece" in 1999 that received 2nd place. After placing second the team was asked to go to Quebec for another competition.


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