VERMONT 2 | Block #8
Team Name: The Pour Saps
Sculpture Title: Miner Emergency
Artist Statement: One moment you're just digging for ore and the next you're hurtling out of control into thin air! Sometimes you take a leap of faith and sometimes a leap of faith takes you.
Team Members:
Katie Runde Sanchez (Captain): Katie Runde Sanchez is a newly-minted chaplain and long-time contemporary realist painter based in Leicester, VT currently on leave to chase around an eight-month-old in perpetual motion. Katie's fondest memory is the year they won, the weather was warm on the last morning of competition. In the last few minutes, we (really, I) knocked the hoof off of our cow and we all scrambled to reattach it while the crowd around cheered us on. Right in front were a team of fellow snow sculptors rooting us on. Not only do I always feel wholeheartedly welcomed by the warm Lake Geneva community, but by the snow sculpture community as well. Competition may be fierce, but the camaraderie is even more so.
Tony Perham: He is a self taught artist and recently has gone freelance. He specializes in collaborating with clients to create Interior or exterior permanent 3-D sculptures. He works with many mediums including concrete, Pal-Tiya, foam, paper-mâché, paper clay, drift wood, snow, and ice. He most certainly consider himself an endurance artist. The majority of his work is large pieces that require a lot physical endurance. Tony has been professionally sculpting snow for 11 years. He sculpts with a team called The Pour Saps. They have represented the state of Vermont at nationals six different years. His most memorable time in Lake Geneva was winning the U.S Nationals in 2020. This hasn’t been achieved by an East Coast team in quite some time. In 2022 he had the honor of being a part of a snow sculpting show on Disney+. “Best in Snow”.
Mugsy Logan: Mugsy Logan is a self taught woodcarver/sculptor and chef based in Windsor, Vermont. Entering his 9th year in the world of snow sculpting, he aims to help his team create pieces that are fun and pleasing to the eye with his meticulous detail, texture work and shoveling expertise. Husband to Ana and Dad to the future most interesting man in the world, 4 year old Gus. There are too many fond memories to name one so I'll just say: having the privilege of getting to play in the snow alongside some of the nicest people and best in the country.