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Winterfest Guest Safety Guidelines

Winterfest 2021 has been carefully planned with the well-being of our guests in mind. As an outdoor event, we’ve taken steps to allow for social distancing and have provided additional space between snow sculpting teams, vendors and spectators. Here are a few of the safety measures we’ve put in place to ensure the safest possible Winterfest experience:

* One Way Viewing Lines – Lines to view the snow sculptures are set up with a single entrance and exit at the Riviera and Flat Iron Park sculpture locations to allow for social distancing.

* Face Covering Requirement – In keeping with Wisconsin’s mandate requiring face coverings in enclosed outdoor spaces or where social distancing is not possible, masks or face coverings are required while in the sculpture viewing lines. 

* Sculpture Spacing – Sculpting areas are set back with extra space between sculptors and spectators. Please do not step over ropes into the sculpting areas.

* Hand Sanitizing Stations – Complimentary hand sanitizer is available at stations near the portable restrooms at the Riviera and Flat Iron Park and at the Lake Geneva Visitor Center on Wrigley Drive.

* Online Voting – Skip the lines to cast your vote for the People’s Choice Awards on Saturday, Feb. 6. Vote online at between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Sculpting team appearances are subject to change or cancel at any time due to the unpredictable nature of the COVID pandemic. WinterFun and the U.S. National Snow Sculpting Championship are confident that despite any unexpected changes, Winterfest will be successful and provide a quality family experience for the City of Lake Geneva and all that attend, safely, in 2021!