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Kishwauketoe logo_30 years


Williams Bay, WI
Website | Phone: (262) 215-7252

Maintain 230-acre nature preserve on shores of Geneva Lake for use by all visitors and residents in the area.

Mission - Through a continuing program of maintenance, access improvement and planting, provide a natural open space for the general public to get closer to nature in the region as embodied in the 230 acres of nature available at KNC. As a compliment to improved access provide educational opportunities for visitors including subjects such as bushcraft, night sky viewing, children’s nature educational programs and bird watching. 

Community Resources - Every year, KNC hosts an Arbor Day program for elementary school age children. KNC provides tree saplings and volunteers to work with the children planting trees in KNC. This program has two major benefits - first to provide nature education to children centered on the value of trees and their place in natural ecosystems and second to plant trees to replenish the forest canopy at KNC. The positive impact to the Lake Geneva community can be seen in the excellent air and water quality of the area as a result of strong forest assets and the connection of residents to preserving this asset starting at an early age. 

Most Urgent Need - Need at KNC can be placed in two categories: 1. New saplings to replenish the forest canopy, along with plants for ground cover. 2. Resources to continue expanding the boardwalks to allow access for all, regardless of mobility limitations. The labor needed to execute planting and boardwalk construction is all from volunteer labor pools.