JP Interiors, LLC
- Address:
1716 Tall Tree Lane
Johnsburg, IL 60051 - Phone:
- 815-385-9354
Why Choose Us?
* JP Interiors, LLC will set up an appointment, call ahead of time to confirm appointment and show up on time.
* JP Interiors, LLC will respond with a comprehensive written proposal within 48 hours after viewing the job/project.
* When JP Interiors, LLC is awarded the job, they will show up on time every day, until the project is completed
* JP Interiors, LLC always maintains that the job/project is prepped thoroughly and is always clean at the end of each day.
* The owner of JP Interiors, LLC communicates well with his clients/customers. He is easy to get in contact with and is fully committed to all jobs and projects.
* JP Interiors, LLC is a friendly, honest & clean company that will treat your property with the upmost respect and care as they would their very own.
* JP Interiors, LLC has very good attention to detail and will respond promptly to complete whatever is addressed.
* JP Interiors, LLC is a custom quality paint company that uses only premium painting materials, tools and supplies.
- Year Round: