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Visit Lake Geneva Volunteer Ambassador Program

Attention Lake Geneva Fans! Do you know someone who LOVES the Lake Geneva region and would be a great ambassador? Visit Lake Geneva is looking for volunteer ambassadors to help our growing organization by welcoming new partners, attending ribbon cuttings and participating in our special events including the Electric Christmas Parade, Winterfest and more! If YOU or someone you know would be perfect for this volunteer opportunity please contact us or complete the Visit Lake Geneva Ambassador Application today!


A Visit Lake Geneva Ambassador is a part of the Visit Lake Geneva team. An ambassador is the face and heart of Visit Lake Geneva, promoting the organization and its partners, welcoming new partners, supporting and celebrating all partner businesses and organizations, and helping to make Visit Lake Geneva events successful. This is a volunteer role, with an expectation of serving up to four hours per month. Ambassadors will be provided with branded apparel, a nametag, and special recognition for their participation.


The expectations, roles, and responsibilities are outlined below. Ambassadors are not expected to participate in all four categories, and can choose a role that works best with their interests and availability.

  1. New Partner Visits
    Visit Lake Geneva is both a Visitors Bureau and a Chamber of Commerce. We currently serve over 500 business and community partners throughout the region, with new partners being added monthly. A Visit Lake Geneva Ambassador would be instrumental in welcoming new partners once they are approved by the Board of Directors by providing the following:
  • Deliver Partner plaque
  • Take photo and submit to Social Media Manager
  • Deliver new Partner packet
  • Remind them to attend Extranet training
  • Invite to Partner meetings
  • Make them aware of upcoming multi-chamber events
  • Set up a Partnership Manager visit


  1. Partner Retention Visits
    Partners require periodic check-ins to ensure that they are getting the return on their partnership investment. Ambassadors will stop in to partner businesses and:
  • Administer check-in questionnaire
  • Invite to partner meeting
  • Invite to upcoming multi-chamber events
  • Share upcoming Extranet training dates
  • Set up Partnership Manager visit if requested


  1. Special Events Support 
    There are many fun opportunities to engage with and celebrate Visit Lake Geneva partners. Ambassadors may be asked to attend and assist with:
  • Ribbon Cuttings
  • Christmas Parade
  • Winterfest
  • Restaurant Week
  • Concerts in the Park
  • Delivering posters, flyers and rack cards to Partner businesses for upcoming events


  1. Administrative Support 
    The Visit Lake Geneva administrative team consists of eight staff members with a wide array of administrative support needs. Some of the tasks Ambassadors may assist with:
  • Label and nametag creation
  • Filing, organizing
  • Mailings
  • Phone calls


Ambassadors will report to the Partnership Manager. This will consist of weekly check-ins with previous week’s activities and preparation for upcoming week activities. Ambassadors be will required to attend an initial orientation and area encouraged to:

  • Attend Partner Meetings on the third Tuesday of each month if available to learn more about our Partners and what is happening in the region.
  • Join and engage with private VLG Ambassador Facebook group where all ambassadors can share tips, challenges, and celebrate successes.
  • Participate in Zoom, email and in person meetings scheduled at the Partnership Manager's discretion.
  • Engage with social media content
    • Like and/or follow VLG social media pages and VLG Partner pages
    • Like and engage with VLG posts
      • Positive/helpful comments only
    • Share VLG posts


QUESTIONS? Contact Christi Hunter, Partnership Manager, by EMAIL or call (262) 248-0634.