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Join the Movement


Elkhorn, WI
Website | Phone: (262) 374-1491

Join the Movement provides education on human trafficking to all community members, students, parents, community leaders, EMS, Law Enforcement, Hospitality staff, etc. and we provide advocacy to victims of violence. Education is the key to prevention but we will stand alongside a victim and provide them with the resources needed to keep them safe.

Mission: Awareness and education of human trafficking in our rural community. What does that look like? What is social media's role? Education is the key to prevention. We also provide advocacy to all victims of violence as needed to local hospitals and the Walworth County jail. victims are exploited for financial gain. They aren't necessarily taken from their homes to be victims of human trafficking.

Community Resources: We organize large awareness events and includes resources available with other organizations in our county. How can we all work together to help those who are being exploited? We provide training for community members to become advocates for victims of violence. In 2022 we served 24 victims in Walworth county. So far in 2023 thru March 21, 2023 we have served 16. We are only 3 months into the year.  

Most Urgent Need: We provide our toolkits free of charge. The printing costs for the toolkits available on our website can be quite expensive and we provide a printed copy of the toolkits at presentations and workshops. Each presentation is specifically catered to the audience. 

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